• Finished Quilts in 2010

    Click pictures for full details! Julia's Field of Blessings See Mom, I *Can* Make Snowmen in Texas! All Shook Up Pansies & Primroses Vintage Spring Vintage Baby A Bad Copy
  • Finished Quilts in 2009

    Click pictures for full details! Sunshine & Swimming Pools Loving Hands Boy Woogies Carina's Quilt Front Charity Quilt 1 Charity Quilt 2
  • Finished Quilts: Previous Years

    My sister's quilt Elena's Signature Quilt Cosmic Spiral Simona's Flower Garden ...And Everything Nice The Wool Quilt The Original Woogie
  • Finished Craft Projects

    Traveling Car Playmat Brown Bear Matching Cards
  • Finished Girls’ Dresses & Costumes

  • Quilt To Do List

    *Julia's "Baby" Quilt
    *Bethlehem Quilt
    *Kaffe Fassett String Quilt
    *Star Happy Batik Quilt
    *Red & Tan Single Wedding Ring Quilt (blocks made)
    *Batik Charm Square Quilt
    *Lingerie Quilt
    *Purple & Gold Mystery Quilt (just needs quilting!)
    *Eagle paper-pieced Quilt (@ half pieced)
  • Other Craft Project To Do List

    *Alphabet Matching Card Game
    *Apple/Pear Dress for Elena
    *Pillow Case Dress for Julia
    *Knit Dress for Elena (need to do post!)
    *Knit Shorts for Me


Although my quilting has been at a bit of a standstill for now, I have been busy sewing nonetheless.  With my much-needed cleaning of my sewing room recently (still no circle rotary cutter found – boo!)  I have unearthed, and tried to finish, several half-finished craft projects.

And so we come to Pocahontas x 2.  I purchased this great fringed brown suede fabric during the after-Halloween sales at Joann’s, and fully intended on having Native American costumes for my girls to wear for Thanksgiving.  You can never forget how much my girls like playing dress-up! (and yes, I also planned it for then because it would be a chance for me to show off both my adorable girls and my sewing skills in front of my family…)

Needless to say, the costumes weren’t finished for Thanksgiving.  I had them cut out but never managed to sew them.  But there is no time like the present (especially when the patterns are cut out and my girls are always growing – yikes!), and the dresses/costumes are now done and I took my two Pocahontases out to the park for some good old exploring yesterday.

By the way, you might notice that Pocahontases have a lot of stick gathering and poking to do.  Who knew?

Julia’s dress is New Look 6796 yet again.  You might remember this pattern previously with her pink sugar-skull dress, as seen here.  This Pocahontas costume is actually the third dress I’ve made with that pattern, and most likely won’t be the last.  It is easy and it is super-cute.  (I still need to show the 2nd time I made it — it’s coming, I swear!)

The ribbon at the bottom was applied with some Steam-a-Seam and then sewed down.  The dragonfly is a button just attached with a safety pin.

Elena’s dress is Simplicity 2677.  This was the first time I made this pattern and I was pleased.  Don’t be surprised if you see it again too.  Instead of making a fabric band & bow on the bodice as on the pattern, I used some Native-American-esque trim from Joann’s.  To stop the rampant fraying, I applied Fray Check to the cut ends and then also ironed it onto the dress with some Heat ‘n Bond Ultra (I know, different stuff than what I used on the other dress but I’m tricky like that), and sewed it down yet again.

My biggest problem with the dresses was getting good pictures of Elena in  hers!  Anyone know how to get a 4-year-old to smile prettily?  I’m totally serious here!  This is what I always get these days when I ask for a smile:

What’s with that tucked chin???  And then this is what I get when I ask her to look at me:

Um, okay.  (Julia’s helpfully showing her why I am – ha!)

Meanwhile, Julia was a perfect picture-taker yesterday.

But I soon stopped torturing the girls and just let them explore:

Sunday Stash

I have spent the better part of this weekend cleaning my sewing room in the attempt to find my beloved Olfa rotary circle cutter.

Isn’t it beautiful?  Just think of all the perfect circles you can cut with nary a problem!

The upside of this task is that my sewing room is in good condition, and things are pretty much where they belong!  YAY!  The downside?  My circle cutter has yet to be found.  I am at a loss of where to look next.  I did find all of its’ replacement blades, so I’m set!  kind of…

But on to happier things!  My stash has been enhanced over the last month what with Christmas gifts and the like, and I just know you’d love to see it!

First, look at these great Kaffe Fassett/Phillip Jacobs/______(one other designer whose name I forget) fabrics.

I received these because I “won” a yoga mat in the family Christmas exchange.  My mom generously returned the yoga mat to the store for me and instead used the money to help out my ‘I will make a Kaffe Fassett quilt’ declaration come closer to reality.

My sister then bought me a couple quilt books, one of which I have been yearning for, and collecting fabrics for for quite some time!  Can you tell what might hopefully be going up on my design wall soon?

I am SO excited!  And the next book I didn’t know I wanted, but it is still great!

Finally, I won part of a giveaway over at Fabric Hound and got this great charm pack.

I’d have opened up the charm pack and spread out its contents, but Elena has decided the whole package is just delightful and it has become one of her treasures for now.  She even took it to a sleepover at a friend’s house Friday night!  Yep, you heard right, my 4-year-old daughter took fabric to a sleepover.

Joy in the New Year revisited

I admittedly only joined the Joy in the New Year challenge half-heartedly, as seen here.  If you remember, the challenge was to actually finish as many UFOs (unfinished objects) as you could before January 1st.  So you could be joyful at your clean slate at the start of the year.  And there were prizes drawn for those that reported finishes.

Well.  Hmmm.  It was only half-heartedly, remember?  I only reported 3 Christmas quilts initially as my UFOs.  And I never reported any finishes.  Because I have no finishes.  BUT, I have been working on one of those reported 3 Christmas quilts!

Definitely not done yet, but just LOOK at these cute snowmen getting some personalities to them, and all of these paper-pieced trees!

This is not the final arrangement at all, but I am happy with my progress!  This quilt *will* be finished some time, I swear!  It is not being put away!

Crafty Advent Countdown Finale

I know!  I am still stuck on Christmas and it is mid-January already!  Enough!

Well, not enough yet.  I never shared my newly-received Christmas craft from my Mom.  This Christmas, it was a snowman, as presented by Elena (Go Irish!)


She wants to show you his snowflake charm,

and his cute buttons,

and wants you to know that he BELONGS TO HER!

“help me!”

Thanks for coming along and seeing the Christmas crafts!  As I put them away, I figured out what year some where made (the years were written on some of their boxes), so I’ll be updating my earlier posts with dates for the few I know.  Really just for my own records.

A Christmas Ten or so

Yikes!  I had this half-written for last week, but it just didn’t happen.  The girls were afflicted with fevers & colds & whininess, and I was just plain old afflicted!  The girls were on me 24-7 it seemed, and man, that is exhausting!  Julia’s fever finally quit on Day 7 (yes, 7!!!), and both girls are finally on the mend.

But, let’s remember happier times just two weeks ago!

2009-12-14-018 Christmas card bigger.jpg

1.  Elena *so* believes in Santa and Rudolph and everything, and it is so much fun!  On Christmas Eve she very earnestly spread out the reindeer food they gave her at her Mother’s Day Out program (dry oatmeal and glitter) over the whole yard:  “I’m putting it in the front yard so Rudolph sees it with his red nose!  He’ll see the sparkles!  Our Christmas lights will tell Santa where to go!”

2.  Instead of jumping up and down Christmas morning, Elena examined it all and told us all about it.  She was puzzled that she never heard the sleighbells, but opined that Santa must have tiptoed in to get past her!  That had to be it, she assured us, because she would have heard sleighbells because she kept waking up waiting for morning!

3. Elena waited very impatiently for Julia to wake up Christmas morning. We let her open one present (which has been one of her favorites), and then when Julia did awake we tortured her by taking pictures in front of the tree. Desperate to be done fast and to start opening presents, Elena tried to keep Julia (who was a bit groggy & confused by everything) in check.


4.  “LOOK!   Santa put Princess candy canes on the tree because he knows I love princesses AND candy!”  (will have Santa help decorate with candy canes again — was fun and both girls noticed right away when they woke up.)
5.  On Christmas, I’d say the dress-up outfits got some of the most use and play.  Their favorite gifts have changed in the following days.

6.  Julia’s favorite gift has been a set of three Thomas the Train engines for the bathtub.  They have been everywhere.

7.  Elena’s favorite gift has been a wooden treasure chest from Joann’s.  It has been everywhere, and she has already painted it.  She also immediately spied it under the tree since I didn’t disguise it.  (Wrapped it, just didn’t put it in a box or anything.)  It was the first gift she opened, quite happily, while Julia still snoozed.

8.  Elena’s new princess collection has also been very popular with both girls. She  got ALL 9 Princesses, plus Prince Charming.

9.  We went to the childrens’ play at church on Christmas Eve instead of mass.  I know, I know.  BUT, the girls like the story of Mary and Joseph and Baby Jesus, and they get a lot more out of it seeing it acted out with little kids than spoken by the priest during mass.  ANYWAY, Mary was up at the front with lights all around her and Julia was standing on my lap to see.  When she saw Mary like that, she got down and found a picture of Mary in the pew.  She then stood back up on my lap and held up the picture of Mary as high as she could, so happy she found the real person to match the picture!

10. What pretty girls for Christmas Eve!


11.  Elena made us feel guilty for not letting her be part of the Christmas play, constantly asking why she couldn’t be with the other kids.  She leaned over into the center aisle as much as she could get away with and was thrilled anytime an angel’s wings touched her.

She seems to have forgotten that just a few weeks earlier she was an angel at her Mother’s Day Out Christmas play.  And she didn’t smile.  Or sing.


12. Elena learned some Christmas songs at Mother’s Day Out. And while she neglected to sing at her Christmas play, she has serenaded many a friend and ALL of Target with “Hark the Herald Angels Sing.” I love that she knows Christmas songs this year.

13.  The girls LOVED the Christmas lights everywhere.  Whenever Julia saw some this season, she would yell KISMAS!!  IGHTS!!! and then would often sing some Christmas song apparently known to only her.

14. On Christmas Eve morning we continued the tradition of decorating cut-out cookies.
Part of the non-spoken tradition is everyone working really hard on their cookies, icing and sprinkling and having fun…to a point. Then Mommy gets to finish them up on her own while all others find other things to do.
*whew* Had a lot to say and save for my own future memories! Hope yours was merry!